3 New Years Resolutions For your Digital Marketing
Published: 01.10.2019
Category: Blog
Now that the holidays are over, it’s onto that most dreaded of post-holiday traditions: the New Year’s resolutions.
Of course, your own resolutions may vary. We’re not here to tell you what to improve on. Maybe you want to hit the gym more. Or maybe your resolution is to read more great blog posts on digital marketing from industry experts.
If you’re a business trying to grow a digital presence, though? That’s where we can help. You can’t go wrong focusing on your resolutions for digital marketing and how it can help you grow your business. There are many aspects of digital marketing you could read up on and start with.
We’ll give you a quick three things you can think about implementing to improve your business’s digital marketing today.
1. Keep (or Start!) Creating Content
It doesn’t matter what your business does. Your website and social media channels should provide some form of content for your customers and audience.
There are so many options available to you that it can feel overwhelming. It may help to identify a trusted partner to help you customize the type of content that would be best for your business and its customers.
But you should be producing (or having someone else produce) content. Some benefits of regular online content production include:
- Establishing you as an expert and an authority in your chosen field. People prefer to buy from someone who they see are knowledgeable about the product/service they’re looking for.
- Positive association. Compelling content can make your audience laugh, cry, or think. It can help create positive emotions that they will then tie back to your brand.
- It can improve your website’s search engine optimization or SEO. This will ensure that people searching the internet for the types of products and services you offer in your market are more likely to find you.
Develop a regular schedule of posting content and stick to it! Communicate with potential customers using the platforms they’re most likely to use. Since pretty much everyone and their brother uses social media, this one is a no-brainer. Take some time to find out where your audience is spending time. Is it Facebook? Twitter? Instagram?
2. Grow Your Email List
In today’s oversaturated attention economy, one of the few channels everyone is almost guaranteed to check is their email. If you want to get in front of your audience, build an email list and get into their inbox.
This ties in with our first point on content. You need to be able to offer your audience meaningful, valuable content to get them to stay engaged with your business.
You can give updates on upcoming product launches. Offer special “email-only” discounts or promo codes. Offer a free eBook or reference guide, authored by you, on your area of expertise.
Having an email list you contact regularly is a tremendous way to connect with your customers. It allows you to provide them with consistent value and, in turn, create new opportunities to get value back from them.
3. Optimize Your Website for E-commerce
Over 220 million Americans shopped online last year and that number only figures to go up. E-commerce has never been bigger and it will only become more of a force as more and more businesses develop their online capabilities.
If it makes sense for your business, you should optimize your website to accommodate e-commerce. This means making your customer’s checkout experience as smooth as possible. Integrate custom checkout flows and online wholesale portals into your site.
If you operate a venue or restaurant hosting special events, giving your customers the ability to make online reservations, booking, and ticketing are must-haves for your website. It’s all about optimizing your user’s experience.
Think of it this way: people out there want to give you money for your product or service. Congratulations! Now, why wouldn’t you use one of your primary public-facing tools (i.e. your website) to make it much easier for them to give you that money?
Need help implementing any of these steps? We’ve got you covered! MAB offers a full suite of digital marketing services. We’re the experts who can worry about this type of stuff so you can focus on your normal business operations. For more information contact us today!